Monday, March 25, 2013

Roller Skating

I really liked how his skates create a shadow in the high intensity light. Another one of my favorite parts of this picture is how he is darker than the background, I think that really makes his body stand out against the walls.

I really liked how all of their skates are lined up right next to each other and I like how the orange of their skates is repeated multiple times. On of my favorite parts of this picture is how they kind of just disappear into the shelves and you only see the outside of them.

I think this picture is interesting because of how you get the locks and the wood grain in it but then you also get the skates in the background. There are a lot of really interesting textures in this picture and think thats what makes it look better.

I didn't really get many good pictures of the kids in action, but this is one of the less dark and less noisy pictures. I also think his facial expression and hand movements are interesting because you can kind of tell how he is almost falling down.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post-the locks one is quite interesting and suprising as a good subject of what is going on there.
