Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Professional Photographers

Erika Larsen uses photography to investigate other cultures and to learn. She first started out as a magazine photographer in 2000. She has had her work in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, National Geographic Society, The Swedish Museum of Ethnography, and the Ajtte Sami Museum. Her work usually consists of nature, hunting, or something natural. She takes a lot of portrait pictures showing people in their native state. I really like her collection called Sami. All of the bright colors against the white snow look beautiful.

Her website is, www.erikalarsenphoto.com.

This is my favorite picture from her Sami collection.

This is another photo from her Sami collection.

John MacLean is an architectural photographer based in Charleston, South Carolina. His business was established in 1987 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Then he moved back to California in 2005. He has photographed for many famous hotels and magazines. I really like his pictures because they show off the colors of the buildings. He captures the buildings in a different light than someone normally would. I really like his Cityscape collection. 

His website is, www.johnmaclean.com.

This is from his black and white collection.

This is from his Cityscape collection. I believe this is a picture of Las Vegas.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words Claire! I'm now in Franklin, NC and that cityscape is Los Angeles, CA!
