Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Marshfield Youth Ballet Company

Recently I went to watch the Marshfield Youth Ballet Company perform. I love how in dance if you can get them in action it makes for a really nice picture. The theme for this is children's stories, as you can see from the little red riding hood or this last yellow, Dr. Seuss songs.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter Patterns

For this shoot we were supposed to take photos of patterns in nature and manmade ones. I thought it would be a difficult assignment but it turned out not to be. This photo is very interesting I think because of the wood grain and how the snow makes different and unusual shapes.

 In this photo I really like how the center of the circles are almost exactly in the middle. The picture is very symmetrical, and I think that adds to it. If I could change one thing i would change the bolt in the middle because it has a different color and looks brighter. It distracts you from the rest of the picture.

This weekend I also went to watch the Marshfield Youth Ballet Company preform. I thought that photographing them would be a great representation of pattern. The stage was quite dark and their leotards blended in almost too well with the black curtain. I lightened up the back up the picture but I think it got a bit noisy.

This is the Senior Ballet Company doing their red riding hood dance. I love how the red stands out from the rest of the picture, and the reflection of the red of the stages floor is very interesting. All of their feet do not go the same way and I would change that if I could.

I really like this picture because their bodies stand out so well against the black but their skirts and leotards don't, so, I tried to lighten it a bit again but when I did it did get kind of noisy. If I could change anything thats what I would change.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Re-edited Photos

I took this picture on a really snowy day when the flakes were gigantic! In photoshop I edited out some of the really large and blurry flakes that took away from the picture. I also lightened it. I didn't take out the power line which, when I look at it now, I definitely should have.

This is a winter texture photo that I re-edited. I also cropped out the uninteresting, flat, and boring parts.

I like this picture although, I think it looks a little too foggy. But it looks okay for a first try.

Here are some pictures that I had taken before but now I re-edited them. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

WInter Light #2

For the Winter Light #2 shoot we were supposed to shoot pictures at multiple times of day to see what different kinds of light we could get. I took this picture about mid-day and I really like how the shadows fall across the plain white tracks in the snow. I went into Photoshop and edited out a branch that was in the middle that distracted you from the other elements. I don't really like how all of the branches kind of blend together since they are so small and thin.

This photo was also taken during mid-day. The shadow I think is the most intriguing part of this photo. I also love how the grain and texture of the wood really works to make this picture better. I think the bench got a little too bright and I think I cut off a little too much but overall I really like this picture.

This picture was taken later in the evening when the light was a bluish color, so this picture definitely looks better in black and white. I think this photo has a little too much noise in it. Though, I do really like how the curve is an unusual shape you'd see in nature. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Winter Light

The theme for this shoot was winter light. I had a hard time with this because there wasn't any sunshine and it was an overcast kind of day. The main branch with the snow on it in this picture really intrigues me. I like how the snow flakes are so thin that you can kind of see through them at the end. The secondary subject, the other branches, really add to the picture and show what it is and how snowy it was. If I could make this picture better I would make the second branch behind the main branch less focused.

THe main subject of the picture is the pine tree branch. The background of sky and trees is pretty plain so you can focus on the main branch. I think this picture would have looked better if there was more light behind the pine branch.

So as I was outside with my cat, of course, it got too cold on the ground for him so I put him on our deck railing. Once I did that I noticed the melting slush on top of it. I was hoping for the water and ice to reflect some of the light that was outside and look even brighter. I personally like the cats paws in this picture because they make it not just another picture of slush. I think this could have been better if the background wasn't such a bright white, but I cant really change that because all that was there was snow.
 I also don't like how there is a smudge in the left hand corner of my camera. It was raining this day and I didn't want to have little water droplets all over but wiping off the lens almost made it worse.

The main water droplets in this picture are not as clear as I would like them to be but they're okay. If the background of this picture was a little more clear I think it would add to it too. I like how you can see the droplets clearly, though. They show that it was a rainy and cold day.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hip-Hop Stalls

I decided since I'm done with all my other work why not upload some extras! These are of my friend Tiana from dance doing some hip-hop stalls. Her face doesn't look the best in some and some are a bit blurry but I think the cool poses make up for that. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Depth of Field

Narrow Depth of Field

Buckman Flair Promo




Wide Depth of Field

The Game


Unit 06

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Professional Photographers

Erika Larsen uses photography to investigate other cultures and to learn. She first started out as a magazine photographer in 2000. She has had her work in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, National Geographic Society, The Swedish Museum of Ethnography, and the Ajtte Sami Museum. Her work usually consists of nature, hunting, or something natural. She takes a lot of portrait pictures showing people in their native state. I really like her collection called Sami. All of the bright colors against the white snow look beautiful.

Her website is,

This is my favorite picture from her Sami collection.

This is another photo from her Sami collection.

John MacLean is an architectural photographer based in Charleston, South Carolina. His business was established in 1987 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Then he moved back to California in 2005. He has photographed for many famous hotels and magazines. I really like his pictures because they show off the colors of the buildings. He captures the buildings in a different light than someone normally would. I really like his Cityscape collection. 

His website is,

This is from his black and white collection.

This is from his Cityscape collection. I believe this is a picture of Las Vegas.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Winter Texture

The tire tracks in this picture are the main subject. The snow on the side would be considered a secondary subject I suppose. I really liked the idea of this picture but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to look. I do, however, believe that this is a really good explanation of texture.

The focus of this picture is the old, snow covered, christmas wreath. The secondary subject would  be the paw prints in the snow next to it. I like how you can go from the ruggedness of the wreath to the smoothness of the snow. I think anything that is not in perfect shape or is being used makes for a pretty good photo. If i could change one thing it would to make this in color without making the snow look blue.

The main subject of this picture is the bricks with the snow on them. The secondary subject is the wall at the back. My favorite part of this picture is how the snow looks really fluffy. Almost like a cloud sitting on the bricks. If I could change one thing it would be the wall at the back. Something about it just doesn't seem right.