Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I believe this photo definitely represents the word "Cold," because this was taken when he was waiting to come inside to warm up from being out in the snow. I like how you can see his paw prints in the snow next to him, but I don't like how you cant see his feet because the door was in the way. 

So, as you've probably realized by now, I love to take pictures of my cat, Simba (or Mr. Meowgi as my dad calls him). His eyes are just so powerful and they reel you in and will make you love him forever. However, I don't really like how the wooden railings look a bit crooked, and the background does not add much. I also don't like how his tail at the back blends in with the snow right next to him.

This is definitely one of my all time favorite pictures, well, for the moment at least. I love how you get the silhouette of the cats head while he's looking out at the falling snow. I also really like how his fur looks lit up on the bottom where the window ends, so you can see his entire body. It's also a very clear, and sharp picture. 

I know we were only supposed to have three pictures but I just couldn't choose! I love this picture because it shows a lot of detail in it. You can see the different flakes of snow resting on the edge of the bench. That has to be my favorite part. If I could I would make more of the bench be in focus so you could see more snow.