These pictures are of the cat Simba Meowgi. These two pictures were perfect because I could get Simba to look right at me and the camera. I love how his eyes are one of the strongest elements in the picture. The pictures could have been better if he wasn't on the steps, but if he was on the floor or something else with a different texture. These were for the Open Theme #1 assignment in class.
The main subject of this photo is my friend Tiana from dance. She was showing me one of her hip-hop stalls. The seconary subjects, like the lockers and the curtains, distract from her. My favorite part of this photo though, is how her foot comes out at you and the angle at which it was taken. This is one of her many "stall" poses, it may be the easiest but it makes the best photo. This is for the Open Theme #1 assignment.
The main subject of this photo is the box of a pointe shoe. Underneath the main shoe is the other one, I really love how the other pretty part of the shoe is out of focus. I believe the ripped fabric represents how hard we work and how much time we put into our dancing. I think the main box of the shoe could be a little more focused. I have always loved taking pictures of pointe shoes because they just fascinate me. How a person can stand on their toes with help from just some glue, fabric and satin. This was for the Open Theme #1 assignment.

This picture's main subject is the camera's lens. My favorite part is how when you look at it your eye goes straight to the middle because the circle is almost exactly there. The secondary subject, me, is not looked at much because it is not of much importance to this picture. The camera ended up to being almost exactly in the center and I love that. I think having a room with many things in it partially distracts you from the picture. This was for the Open Theme #1 assignment.

The main subject of this picture is, again, pointe shoes. I believe this picture shows more of the beauty of pointe work, rather than the pain and hard work shown in the last picture. The ribbons flowing out of the shoes makes them seem almost angelic. The secondary subjects don't really add to the picture but they do show other things of dance, because this is a dance dressing room. I really love how the mirror reflects back the shank, or the underside of a pointe shoe. Mirrors and pointe shoes both really inspire me because of the things they can do and the beauty they create, so I thought, why not put them together? This was for the Open Theme #1 assignment.