Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Typical Day

This is my Typical Day. Usually in the mornings I'll get up get a bowl of cereal and then start to get ready. I'll do my makeup, my hair, etc. Then I'll go to school, the photos I have from school are from geometry class and history class. Then after school I will go to dance, I do this everyday except fridays, thats why I have so many pictures of it. At dance I usually have to wait a LOT. So to show that I have a picture of my friend Morgan doing homework while she waits with me. Then once I get home which is usually between 9 and 10 at night I will shower and read or go on my phone until I go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Very good variety here in your photo choices-it gives a good image of what a day is like for you!
