Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter Patterns

For this shoot we were supposed to take photos of patterns in nature and manmade ones. I thought it would be a difficult assignment but it turned out not to be. This photo is very interesting I think because of the wood grain and how the snow makes different and unusual shapes.

 In this photo I really like how the center of the circles are almost exactly in the middle. The picture is very symmetrical, and I think that adds to it. If I could change one thing i would change the bolt in the middle because it has a different color and looks brighter. It distracts you from the rest of the picture.

This weekend I also went to watch the Marshfield Youth Ballet Company preform. I thought that photographing them would be a great representation of pattern. The stage was quite dark and their leotards blended in almost too well with the black curtain. I lightened up the back up the picture but I think it got a bit noisy.

This is the Senior Ballet Company doing their red riding hood dance. I love how the red stands out from the rest of the picture, and the reflection of the red of the stages floor is very interesting. All of their feet do not go the same way and I would change that if I could.

I really like this picture because their bodies stand out so well against the black but their skirts and leotards don't, so, I tried to lighten it a bit again but when I did it did get kind of noisy. If I could change anything thats what I would change.

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