Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Re-Edits #2

Since the winter season has ended, well I mean to say should have ended, here is a little reminder of the snow, ice, and the cold. I didn't do much to this picture the first time I edited it. I think this time I really brought out the dark colors but I don't think the background really adds anything to this.

For some reason I really liked this picture. I don't really know why I think its because of the diagonal lines that go towards each other and how the middle line isn't perfectly straight. Its pretty with its little imperfections.

I really liked how this picture has a very specific depth of field. You can only see the droplets right at the front but I like how it slowly gets blurrier and blurrier as they get farther away and the soon look almost like little sparkles in the back.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Roller Skating

I really liked how his skates create a shadow in the high intensity light. Another one of my favorite parts of this picture is how he is darker than the background, I think that really makes his body stand out against the walls.

I really liked how all of their skates are lined up right next to each other and I like how the orange of their skates is repeated multiple times. On of my favorite parts of this picture is how they kind of just disappear into the shelves and you only see the outside of them.

I think this picture is interesting because of how you get the locks and the wood grain in it but then you also get the skates in the background. There are a lot of really interesting textures in this picture and think thats what makes it look better.

I didn't really get many good pictures of the kids in action, but this is one of the less dark and less noisy pictures. I also think his facial expression and hand movements are interesting because you can kind of tell how he is almost falling down.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Animal Morph

Although I did multiple cat morphs this was definitely my favorite. The colors were the most similar in the pictures I used so it looked pretty good. I also like how it makes the cat look creepily sweet. The eyes are kind of blurry so it makes it look more fake from that.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Show and Tell

These are my pictures for show and tell. I like to take pictures of dance so there are a lot of those. I also know these people so there is kind of an emotional connection there.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lines in Nature

I really like this picture due to the contrast between the dark green needle and they white, white snow. The needles can be considered a straight line and the branches could be a curved or wavy kind of line. If I could change one thing I would change the business of it. It is a very busy picture and there is not exactly on focal point.

I really like this picture because it goes from dark to light, it has an ombre effect. I also like how the texture changes from one line to another. I don't really like how it is not centered and I wast exactly on top of the lines so they seem to get smaller at the top and kind of curve off.

In this photo I like the lines from the cracking wood in the tree. The bark has been torn off of and so only part of it has still been left of there. I also admire the different colors of the wood and the distressed look it has to it. It does look a little "blah" in the color area it is quite grey which makes it kind of boring.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Marshfield Silver Laces Ice Show

I recently went to the Marshfield Silver Laces Annual Ice Show. I thought it would be a great place to get some pictures and since I have never been to one before I wasn't sure how the pictures would turn out. It was very, very, dark in the rink and the pictures are all quite noisy. Those would be some of the main things I'd change, but other than that I like the girls' expressions and action in the photos.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I thought this icicle was very interesting because of its unusual shape and the little bubbles you can see on the inside. I think the spikes in the picture are very alluring because they are rough and the ice is very smooth. 

These tracks in the snow, whether they be dog or deer, are very unusual because the snow seems to be melting around them leaving the tracks all alone. I really like the light and the shadows in this photo. The "X" the tracks make are also an interesting visual aspect. 

I thought this picture was very captivating because the icicle looks like a hand that is sticking out its pointer finger. I've never seen anything like this before. The dark woods in the background are a very nice contrast to the icicle. 

Replace a Sky

This attempt at replacing a sky went very well I think. I have a small halo around the trees in some places but other than that I think it goes pretty well. The sky is very boring though and I think that if I had a more intriguing sky it would look better.

Friday, March 1, 2013

First Try, Replace a Sky

This was my first attempt at trying to "replace a sky," this was pretty easy for this picture because the pictures sky was already orangey. The one thing I don't like is the hills on the right hand side. They look a little boxy.

This is my second attempt at replacing a sky. I think this one looks better than the first except the balloon is a little boxy bit its getting better.